What are the different Risk modes?

Spot (expected ROI 5-10% monthly) This mode is liquidation-safe.

Low Risk (expected ROI 17% monthly) This mode will go up to 1.7x leverage on your account (when all ladders are filled) The entry use 10% of you capital (0.1x levrage) Then the ladder are 20% - 40% - 100% The ladders cover a 15-17% spread Your liquidation price is 60% below the last ladder entry (77% price movement covered overall)

Medium (expected ROI 25% monthly) This mode will go up to 2.45x leverage on your account (when all ladders are filled) The entry use 15% of you capital (0.15x levrage) Then the ladders are 30% - 60% - 140% The ladders cover a 15-17% spread Your liquidation price is 35% below the last ladder entry (55% price movement covered)

High risk (expected ROI 50% monthly) This mode will go up to 5x leverage on your account (when all ladders are filled) The entry use 30% of you capital (0.3x levrage) Then the ladders are 60% - 120% - 240% The ladders cover a 15-17% spread Your liquidation price is 17% below the last ladder entry (55% price movement covered)

Last updated